How Healers Can Heal While Sick

A revelation recently came to me during my moments of reflection and learning. It triggered deep contemplation about the personal burdens I had been carrying, particularly those related to fibroids and their accompanying challenges. On September 5, 2023, I underwent surgery to remove 16 fibroids, and that very night, I came to realize the weight I had been carrying. It wasn't just physical; it had taken a toll on me mentally and emotionally as well. For years, I had been living with a clouded mind, navigating life in survival mode, all while drawing from an empty well.

Physical and Emotional Discomfort

I had been showing up in my relationship with God halfway. Yes, I prayed, but I hadn't fully surrendered. I also meditated, but looking back, I could see that the release I sought couldn't fully happen because of the burden I was carrying. These fibroids caused immense discomfort; the largest one was even attached to my liver. There was a cluster on my fallopian tube, constant pelvic pain for months, and my legs remained swollen. Even wearing socks left dents. As I reflect, I'm discovering more about the impact they had on me.

The Burden of Shame

The discovery of so many fibroids left me with a sense of shame. I questioned myself: Me? How? I had studied herbs and had even successfully removed one naturally. On August 28th, after my MRI and pre-op appointments, I realized the extent of the issue. The enemy made me feel as if everything I had done was pointless. This guilt prompted me to pray and fast daily leading up to my surgery. I desperately wanted to know what I had done wrong and how I had ended up here. Each day, God began revealing to me that I was under a spiritual attack, connected to the vision I carried and manifested through my relationships, grief, and stress. I instantly took responsibility and repented.

The Call to Listen to God

About a year ago, I received a spiritual calling to have surgery, but I didn't fully understand why at the time, especially for two fibroids. I had no knowledge of what was growing inside me. God speaks to us daily, but are we truly listening, or are we stuck thinking, "It's not so bad"?

It's Time for the Healer to Heal

It's not just about me, but also about you. You might say, "I'm not a healer." But consider the meaning of "healer": one who heals. You don't need to study herbs or medicine; God has called you to be a healer in your home, workplace, business, and community. Your sickness may not be fibroids, but it could be fear, toxic relationships, doubt, overeating, dwelling in the past, or other health issues. It could manifest as emotional unavailability, spiritual disconnect, a failure to live in your truth, blaming God for your actions or inaction, being uninvolved with your children, or checking out mentally.

  • Liberate Yourself

    The first step to healing is acknowledging your sickness, whether it's your fault or not. Taking responsibility and moving forward is the superpower that propels you into recovery mode.

  • The Role of Spiritual Guidance

    I'm not here to engage in religious debates, but to encourage you to stand firm in your beliefs and let your life reflect them. Instead of fixating on differences, we should aim to live out our beliefs.

  • Embrace Freedom

    Walk into your freedom! We often become entangled in our pain and sabotage our purpose by speaking negatively or dwelling on the past. Your tongue is your superpower, shaping your reality through the words you speak and your daily actions. If you don't like your current reality, you know what needs to change.

The World Needs Healers

Healers are needed in schools, communities, banks, hospitals, local stores, airports, Ubers, and everywhere else. I pray that this blog serves as a reminder to mend what's broken so that you, and everything connected to you, can be free.

With love,

Ce Ce

Please share this with others so that healers can find their path to wellness, whatever that may mean for them.